7 Ways A Productivity Junkie Can Relax


Puget Sound SunsetBeing a is about doing the important and essential, not just being busy and stressed. A Productivity Junkie can't operate at a high level if they are not taking time to reflect, and recharge.

“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” - William S. Burroughs

7 Ways to Relax

1. Read a book -

Not a blog. Read a good ol' fashion book. I guess a Kindle is ok, but to me there is something about a real book. Reading blogs leads to checking your facebook and email. Which leads to getting on twitter. To truly relax get offline and read a book.

2. Have a cup of coffee or a tea -

You might think that having should not go on the recommendation list for relaxing. You could be right. What I'm suggesting is be with that cup of coffee or . Hot liquids could be relaxing and soothing to the body and soul. Really taste the beverage, feel the way it warms your mouth, your throat and stomach as you drink it. Enjoy the flavor. Do nothing else but be with your cup of coffee or tea.

3. Sleep in -

Have kids or pets that won't allow that to happen? I hear ya. Luckily, I have a French Bulldog that will sleep in until 2 PM if I let her. See if you your spouse, significant other or someone else can help you out one morning of watching the kids or pets while you sleep in. The fact of knowing you will get to sleep in will help you sleep better and have a peaceful rest that night. A reason we don't sleep well at night is we know how busy, hectic and stressful the next morning and day is going to be.

4. Laugh -

Have brunch or lunch with friends and enjoy their company. Listen to and share stories from the stressful week. Don't bitch and moan about things. Have a light-hearted outlook on things. Know that the week is over that's in the past and be able to look back on things on laugh.

5. Take a hot shower, bath or hit up hottub

Again, like the hot coffee or tea, the suggestion of heat. Heat can have a very soothing, relaxing effect on the body and mind. The key to this is also be present in the moment. You could also add some candles or aromatherapy oils to add to the experience.

6. Listen to some music

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley

When I need to unwind, decompress and just let go, I put on some . That type of music relaxes me. It might be different for you. Maybe its classical, country or even hip hop. What I know is that music has the the ability to move our soul. So find the kind of music that moves your soul to find peace.

7. Lay in the sun -

I observe my French Bulldog laying in spots on the floor where the sun is shining, so I know this one works. She always looks so content, peaceful and relaxed. I know finding the sun is not the easiest thing to do if you live in the Pacific Northwest like myself. Its hard to find the sun on most days. But when you can, enjoy the sun washing over your face and brightness shining through your eyelids. Be present and in the moment.

What things would you add to this list?


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