Steve Jagger talks about adding leverage to your real estate sales business - Productivity Nugget #024
In this Productivity Nugget I talk with Steve Jagger about his company, that helps #real estate agents add cost effective #leverage to their #real estate business, so they can focus on their 20%.
What is your 20% in your real estate business?
That shouldn't be very different for most of you. A top prioroty in #your real estate #business, any business for that matter is lead generation. And one of the things that I hear from #real estate agents that I'm coaching is that they DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME.
- They don't have enough time to create content or do blogging.
- They don't have time for social media.
- They don't have time for any #business development activity.
One of the things I have created as a real estate coach is the 1-2-1 Business Development Formula. It blends all the key factors of lead generation and business development for a real #estate agent. It has also become a great metric to use for when its time to add leverage to your real estate business.
If you do the 1-2-1 BDF and you still have some time in the day, repeat the process.
If you do the 1-2-1 BDF and you are struggling on getting all the paper work done, transactions filed and documents faxed, that is a great indicaotr that it is time to add some leverage to your real estate business.
Leverage your time, outsource the 80%
#Steve gets it. Steve understand the real estate business and the demands on a real estate business. Steve has been around many real estate agents, as he also operates, a website company for real estate agents.
If you want some help with your business development - contact me for coaching.
If you need some help because you have too much business - check out