The 7 A’s How To Blend Your Social Media And Offline Business Development #4 Approachability – Productivity Nugget #040

This video goes along with The 7 A’s  how to blend your marketing and offline strategy presentation that I gave at Virtual Bar Camp

Obviously there are seven key areas to focus on and I’ll be sharing those over the next seven days.

The first focus area is Audience

The second focus area is Availability

The third focus area is Acknowledge

The fourth focus area is Approachability

Does your Audience feel comfortable reaching out to you?

Practice the - Don't expect a 50/50 relationship in the beginning


The 7 A’s How To Blend Your Social Media And Offline Business Development #5 Appreciate – Productivity Nugget #041


Value of the Relationship Vs. Value of the Transaction - Productivity Nugget #039