The Mystery Box

Yesterday you got reasons why a prospects does or doesn't. Today, I want to go deeper with the idea of creating or a compelling message.

A favorite TV show of mine back in the day was Alias.

It starred Jennifer Garner and was created by J.J. Abrams.

J.J. also created the TV show . Lost had an obsessed cult like following.

J.J. also rebooted the movie Star Trek.

On the other night, I watched his movie . It's a movie about some kids making a movie while some other things are happening around their town.

Might be the I wrote about Zombies last week.

J.J. gave a great TED Talk about a and the magic of mystery.

Check it out... and see how you can apply it to your marketing and your storytelling.


Don't Lose Your Ass


Why Prospects Do And Why They Don't