The Original Inbound Marketing Strategy (It works better than the current)
Inbound #marketing aka #Content Marketing is hot...
... and has been hot for awhile.
Lotsa #blog training... blog services... blog software... setup your blog for you services... popping up the last few years.
A company called HubSpot coined the term Inbound marketing.
They define Inbound Marketing as based on the concept of earning the attention of prospects, making yourself easy to be found and drawing customers to your website by producing content customers value.
So lemme make that simple for ya...
Put good stuff out in the world and leads will come to you.
Let's take a little look at the NAR 2012 Member Profile shall we...
NAR states "The typical Realtor earned 19% of their business from past clients and customers and 20% to referrals from past clients and customers."
So about 40% right?
When it comes to websites the report says, "Members typically brought in 4 inquiries and 3% of their business from their website."
That's in a year.
4 inquiries and 3% of their business... which by the way...
The report stated the typical agent did 10 transactions in 2011.
Do you know what 3% of 10 is?
... 0.3%
Not even 1 transaction.
So your website and Inbound Marketing is supposed to be the greatest gift to you and the consumer, right?
They just get to lurk around and soak up your info and reach out when they are ready... Good will to go around...
Good theory... but it's not working that way.
But do you know what is?
The Original Inbound Marketing...
And what is that you ask...
Referrals are the Original Inbound #Marketing strategy.
Remember how I defined Inbound Marketing... "Put good stuff out in the word and leads come to you."
Well, it looks like almost 40% of Realtors business comes from Original Inbound Marketing.
You put good stuff out there and leads (referrals) come to you. Sounds like Inbound Marketing to me.
But let me ask you... Where are you spending your time?
Are creating content for your sphere and past clients?
Do you have a Keep-In-Touch #Strategy?
Do you have a Get Introduced System?
Oh by the way... 89 percent of Buyers and Sellers are likely to use the same agent again or recommend to others.
Seems to me the priority should not be about blogging... creating content... your website design... social media...
Your first priority every morning should be to provide value and keep in touch with your sphere and past clients.
LOOK... By no means am I saying drop your website...
I wholeheartedly believe you need a #Website Marketing Strategy - followed up with a Lead Conversation Starter System.
But I'm talking about priorities here.
I feel 2013 is the time to get back to some good ol' fashion Original Inbound Marketing... which by the way is how so many of 1 to 1 clients and Levels Coaching Members are getting the results they are getting.
LISTEN to this...
"Just a side note, I am really impressed by your coaching. You offer a much better way to focus your time for the best results. I reorganized my database as you recommended and started working on my ______________. Since starting the training, I have received two new referrals, both in the $700,000 to $900,000 price range. There was no selling because they felt I was their trusted consultant." - Bill B.
IF... you are wondering about some of the phrases I was tossing out today... for example...
- Website Marketing Strategy
- Lead Conversation Starter System
- Keep-In-Touch Strategy
- Get Introduced System
AND... You want to prioritize the biggest pay off activities in your business and build assets that continue to give you a return on your dollar and time invested...
PLUS... Get Accelerated Results...
THEN... You'll want to check out going deeper with these ideas.
- Stay Productive
- Keep Focused
- Be Consistent
-- Darin "Original Inbound Marketer" Persinger