Two Thoughts About Making Money In Business - Productivity Nugget #103
In this coaching video I share some thoughts about money.
I just talking with my CPA about my taxes, business and money. It got me thinking about a building profitable real estate business, which to me is a key ingredient to building a business you desire.
The two thoughts in this coaching video
1. I'm not impressed with the number of transactions or dollar amount of production a real estate agent does.
So what, you sold 91 homes last year. Did you bring home in money to add to your savings and live the life you deserve. Big deal, that you sold $25 million in volume last year. What was your net profit. Number of homes sold and dollar volume as metrics for success in real estate are stupid.
2. Size of audience and impact your have matter
An idea that I took away from T. Harv Eker's book, Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind - Mastering The Inner Game Of Wealth and Bob Burg's book, The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea
is the size of your audience and your impact directly relates to your income earning potential. Keep in mind, earning income potential has nothing to do with keeping income or building wealth.
What things have you learned about business and money?