Darin Persinger

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Using Tout For Video To Increase Engagement, Interest - Productivity Nugget #201

tout for video posting and sharingAll  the experts say you have to engage, right?

They say "Don't promote listings, make your updates interesting and engaging,"

Well of course one way to do that is with pictures, but I'm a big believer in using video for real estate.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then how much is a worth?




makes sharing quick videos on and super easy.

Check out my Productivity Nugget about Tout below:

Here is what Tout says about itself,

Tout, the network for real-time video Status Updates (Touts).

Tout enables people to quickly and easily update their Facebook friends and Twitter followers with real- time Video Status Updates, captured from smart phones. Find and follow friends, family and people who you at Tout.com and get real-time notifications as they "Tout" new moments from their lives.

Tout delivers a rich social sharing experience that delivers "Life as it Happens" in full color, sound and motion... as opposed to "Life as it’s Written" in 140 characters of text.

Some things just can’t be described in 140 characters of text... Life is what you see, Tout it!

Why use tout over or publishing to your own site?

Maybe its not a full on video tour or doesn't need to be 2 minutes long. Maybe 15 seconds is enough. And even though it's easy to publish your video straight to youtube, it's not so easy to get the video back over to your facebook wall and twitter. That's why I think Tout is pretty cool.