Your Vision Is Too Short To Get On This Ride
Remember yesterday?
You and I talked about why smart people are dumb with their money.
Today, I wanna stay on the some line of thinking...
Check this out...
The Vital Smarts Team says this about short term vs long term vision:
"Often humans react to their immediate environment as if they were on autopilot. They don't pause to consider how their immediate choices reflect their ideals, values or moral codes. The connections between their actions and personal standards are rarely "top of mind."
This means that when we make horrific and costly mistakes, more often than not we're not purposely choosing bad things. It's almost as if we're not choosing at all. It's the lack of thought, not the presence of thought, that enables our bad behavior.
Under stress, when our emotions kick in, our time horizons become even shorter, and we give less weight to our abstract values.
When facing the harsh demands of the moment, instead of action on our values and principles, we react to our emotions by shortening our vision and focusing on detail. We act against our own values in a way that we yourself would otherwise abhor.
If only we step away from the moment and take a look at the big picture."
Action Item For You...
... Slow down right now... ... Reflect... ... Ask yourself "What is important to me?" ... If it will help, find me on twitter @darinperisnger and share it.
- Stay Productive
- Keep Focused
- Be Consistent
-- Darin Persinger