Darin Persinger

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270 7 Costly Mistakes Solo Real Estate Agents Make | #5 Tracking Time Instead of Results

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270 7 Costly Mistakes Solo Real Estate Agents Make - #5 Tracking Time Instead of Results Darin Persinger

If your background is either being paid hourly or salary, if you've not been self-employed, it's easy to fall into the trap of focusing on hours worked, instead of results achieved.

This leads to 10-12 hour days, 6-7 days a week. Which ultimately leads to burnout.


The reason you cannot increase your production and productivity by working more hours is because you will just fill up the hours with more activities, tasks and projects.

By working more hours… by sacrificing more time… you’re simply working more and longer. 

Working more hours in a day or a week doesn’t equate to success.


  • Before you start trying to do more transactions, I want you to cut back the hours you are working.

Cut back. 

Do less.

What you are doing here: you’re finding your pace. 

Once you find your pace and you get comfortable with it, you can start to increase it.

It's about priorities. 

It's about doing things in the right sequence.

Article: https://www.darinpersinger.com/blog/7-costly-mistakes-solo-real-estate-agents

Show Highlights Include:

  • Darin talked about the Fifth Costly Mistakes Solo Real Estate Agents Make (1:10)

  • The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss (2:55)


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